- Please do not crowd around the school main parking area especially after leaving or picking up children.
- Do not park your vehicles in front of the school main entrance gate. Please park your vehicle in allotted parking area.
- Keep the area in front of the school main entrance gate totally free for children and people to move without hindrance.
- Observe parking rules diligently. The life you might be saving could be yours or your child’s.
- Kindly use helmets for safety.
- Please reverse your vehicle on the parking area and not on the footpath.
- Instruct your awards to use the pavements while walking.
- Auto, Van or any vehicle drivers need to submit their complete information to school office and collect Identity card for safety. Please ensure that drivers are not addicted to drugs or liquor.
- Listen to the instructions of the personnel at the gate. After all, what they are doing is for your child’s safety.
- Do not honk or beep your vehicles right in front of the school.
- Life is precious; let us not risk it through recklessness
Please caution your wards not to buy eatables from vendors outside.